Dr.Maneesha deshpande
From The Principal Desk
It gives me a great pleasure to share with you the present status of the blossomed tree of the VSPM College of Physiotherapy, the sapling of which was planted in 1999. I vividly remember as a founder staff (only 2), we started VSPM College of Physiotherapy in 1999. We are thankful to the Chairman, VSPM for his vision, confidence and constant encouragement for the gigantic task of begining the new college then.
We began on a moderate note with the first batch of just 33 undergraduate students in 1999 and from then never looked back and never had any problem of getting present full intake capacity of 60 undergraduate and 21 post-graduate students.
The institute with its reputation not only is the first choice of the UG/PG students but also for new desirous teaching faculty. The department has progressed and successfully complied with the MUHS strict norms of staff selection and teacher-student ratio. I am proud to inform that our VSPM college of PT is one of the very few Physiotherapy colleges in Maharashtra state to have full teaching staff looking after the excellent teaching and state-of-the-art (OPD and Indoor) Physiotherapy care.
The number of patients attending to the department has gradually increased, The availability of various Sub-speciality physiotherapy sections facilitates all round comprehensive physiotherapy matching with the international standards. When I look back this progress is definitely not an overnight development and as the Principal, I whole heartedly thank the past director, our teaching, clinical and non-teaching staff for their priceless contribution. I profusely thank the timely financial, administrative and encouraging support from the Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and all office bearers of VSPM, without which such glittering success could not have been possible. Needless to say the best receipt of any teaching institute is the success its students bring. Our undergraduate and post-graduate students are also making us proud for the record passing % in the tough University examinations and bagging prizes in various local, state and national physiotherapy meets and conferences. Many alumni of our physiotherapy college are placed at various prestigious positions in abroad as well as in India. With the support of enthusiastic and dynamic teaching faculty our institution is ready to reach newer heights.